Model X Footrest/Dead Pedal

This beautiful pedal is a great match for the Tesla OEM Pedals. If you recently bought a new Model X, you may have noticed there isn't a footrest pedal for your left foot. This goes right over the footrest area.
Made from Brushed Stainless Steel and strips of anti slip tape, our Model X footrest pedal is designed to compliment the aluminum pedals found in the Performance Model X, but also looks great if you don't have aluminum brake and accelerator pedals. Provides a more secure driving position with a firm place for your left foot. Enhances the look of your Model X interior as it brightens your footwell area, while supporting your driving position.
Easy to install. Just peel off the red double sided tape strip covers on the back side and press down after cleaning the plastic stock pedal.
Our installation videos provide the necessary information to correctly install our products. Therefore, we strongly recommend that you watch the installation video/s both before ordering and before installing our products.